Some 40 Days In… (Big Country In The East)
Were it not for the One who calls us friend, the silk would have reached its toll by now. All thanks be unto Him for what He has destined for us here, and for what He is fulfilling in our midst as we range to and fro the network of silk roads, both throughout China and at the foot of the Himalayas in India.

Dynamic Yunnan
This cultural performance had an intensity about it. The native artists roused within their audience an awareness of the spirit world through their various expressions of traditional worship. Looking back, we recognize this time spent in Kunming, together with this performance, as an introductory period giving us a heads up as to the kind of resistance we can expect to be met with, and to a certain extent have already, in east Asia.
- On two occasions and over three nights, we shared life with the Miao minority, most of whom are a Christian ethnic group. Given the platform to share with them our own spiritual journeys, both in under-the-radar settings, we were much honored and thank Him anew for the opportunity to take part in His work, and for those whom He moved to sow these seeds and tend to it’s growth in earlier times.
- On two other occasions we were set up to share with university students about our home country, South Africa. Here we realized the creative ways by which to find common ground, and when the setting allows it, to then tell of Him through whom grace and truth comes. The last such occasion granted us this freedom to share our faith – the whole story. Yes, in Dali, one of the ancient capitals of China, we all to willingly watered alongside those who welcomed us into the fields they are planting, setting us up for a series of encounters with people and places that are of sentiment to us.
- One brother of our band was also positioned to connect with and encourage a fellowship in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, for four days. He rejoined the Yunnan-bound brothers full of spirit, having witnessed the work of Him who goes before us within this bold and competent fellowship.
- Two brothers took to Puer in the south to explore it’s coffee and the story behind a particular coffee trade business. It seems the door to entering closed countries is open…
There is much to share from the Word to add to our experiences the ways by which we are being led. Paul writes in his Roman letter: “and thus I make it my ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation”… (15:20). Apart from this highlighting that there are numerous other foundations still to be built in the plains of the unreached, our service is often to support and encourage the ambitious work of these, our treasured hosts.
In essence, together with the Word attributing Itself in a fresh way to us, a rug of ignorance has been swept from beneath our feet, awakening us to a timeless default as the key to usefulness in every situation: prayer. For what else can a band of silk brothers do, no, there is nothing besides prayer for the body to do, that is, if we are to approach every battle as David did (1 Chron 14:9–) and thus discover His ways and heart, and His heart for the nations in this day and age. Moreover, if we so desire to share in His burden for any nation, no governing authority’s regime to stifle such faith, as is the current state of affairs in China, can measure up to this confidence pressing us on against all currents that is: “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)