Generosity In The Midst Of Poverty

Driving with the past0r whom I served with in Lucknow (the capital of Uttar Pradesh) to the village where I was going to share a message one Sunday, as I was staring out the window I felt a deep compassion for the people. I could see that they are lost and helpless, like sheep without a Shepherd. When I looked into their eyes, I saw only emptiness and death.

Two days later, Shadrach and Belteshazzar arrived from Varanasi to join me in Lucknow. The pastor’s wife asked us to pray for their neighbours. She shared the Good News with them, but their response is one of opposition. The neighours are persecuting them by cursing them to their faces and throwing their trash on the porch of our then host’s front door. While we were altogether praying, I saw the vision that God showed Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 37:3-5: “And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” Then he said to me, “Prophecy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.”

The fight is not against flesh and blood.

Two days later, it was time for the three of us (Shadrach, Belteshazzar and I) to scatter again in different directions for a few days. After praying, we cast lots and it happened that I should go to a village about 100km from the city. I soon found out that I was definitely in the favoured position since the other two were forced to stay indoors with their respective pastors because of new regulations to contain the virus. In the village however, I didn’t experience any restrictions.

The day after I arrived in the village, pastor Parkash took me to the temple area. In that area there are more than 6000 Hindu temples….I am feeling sick just thinking back to what I saw. This is one of the biggest strongholds in the country.

Parkash showed me a temple where they are sacrificing children and giving their daughters to the Gurus to become their personal sex slaves. As we drove through these areas, I occasionally asked Parkash to stop to pray at specific places. These people are so blinded by Satan. I have never before experienced so much hate for the enemy. But as I brought these people before our Father my faith grew, and I could slowly see these “dry bones” coming alive.

Parkash explained to me many new things that I didn’t know before about what these people believe. I realized that they are not just worshipping 330 million id0ls….that the root of their beliefs lie so much deeper. The enemy is keeping them in bondage in so many ways.
The fight is against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.
This was again confirmed when I shared the Good News in a Hindu library with two students. They told me that in essence, we believe the same thing! What?!
Who will go forth to proclaim this hope that we find in the One who came to set us free?
Here is a link to a short video that will shed some light on the darkness I encountered. I hope that it will pierce your heart for the unreached, as it did for me:
With Prakash I visited more believers where I could encourage and be encouraged. A ray of hope was shining through the darkness as we went to visit a family of believers who live in the middle of this complete darkness. I was encouraged by their faith and testimony. The cost of following our Lord in a place like that, is high.
“Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Teaching DMM in a village

Parkash told me that we were going to a small village in the jungle the following day where he wanted me to share with and teach a group of believers more about making disciples. The next morning before we left, he asked me if I don’t have something to cover my arms, which I didn’t. I thought it was for being culturally appropriate, but when we neared the village, he gave me his helmet to wear. I then realized that he wanted me to wear something with long sleeves because of the security concerns. He told me how dangerous that area is for followers of Jesus. They are facing severe resistance.

Even though no one could speak almost any English, their love was tangible. Although I felt humbled to teach these beautiful people, I loved to show from the Bible how it was God’s vision since the creation to fill the earth with His glory through the multiplication of the image of His Son. He wants to use us to get on board with what He is doing. One of the very effective tools that He uses to accomplish this task, is DBS (Discovery Bible Studies). I could begin to teach them more about this tool and why it is such an effective way to make disciples.

[Afterwards we had a delicious meal together. The chicken price dropped nearly 70% because many of the Hindus believe that the virus can be spread through eating chicken, so the equivalent of R9 / $0,5 is what we paid per kilo…]

Many of these believers’ families have rejected them and are treating them with so much hatred, because they are following Jesus. I just saw again how important it is that I should learn the language of these people. I feel a need to learn Hindi and go back to these people, stay with them for a while, hear their stories, learn from them and continue to train them in DMM. I believe that the harvest is ready to see a movement happen in that area.

That evening, Parkash and I went to have dinner with a believer family who comes from the higher caste (Brahmins). This caste is mostly made up of priests and teachers. Their pride is often the biggest obstacle in surrendering their lives to the King. The two sons and their mother are the only ones who follow the Lord in their extended family. They have much knowledge about Hinduism and I was glad to learn from them. Again I realized that this religion has very deep roots. Even well educated people (this friends’ family members) drink cow urine to give them power.

As we prayed together for their family and friends, the cry of our hearts were for dry bones to come alive. Currently these people are dead. It is only God who can breathe His breath into them. Then they will live.
