Our vision: To establish a Kingdom business that mobilizes the church to respond to the cry of the unreached in the 10/40 window.

Our Products

10/40 Window
Maranatha - Green
Maranatha - Black
Silk Logo
Kingdom Come - Green
Kingdom Come - Maroon

The Marketplace

Throughout our travels we’ve noticed that in many a nation the marketplace is centerpiece. By it and through it everyone and everything is influenced. In similar fashion we too want to “market” the Great Commission… and what is more eye-catching than a moving market?                                                              

Yes, take yourself for instance, occupying in whatever your “office” space is while wearing your heart upon your sleeve: a t-shirt that has “10/40 window” imprinted on it to forward the call to this persecuted and unreached region. Or “maranatha” which means: “Jesus is coming!” so as to rally others in remembrance of the ‘why’ of the Great Commission.

You may be a teacher or a barista, a carpenter or an accountant — you’re an influencer nonetheless! What this Silk Route Collection marketplace needs is a movement pioneer like you to just be you where you are, either wearing one of our striking t-shirts or drinking from one of our magnanimous mugs! 

In starting an online print on demand business that prints “mission-focussed” messages on clothing and cups, we purpose to inspire people to take part in the Great Commission, through these designs. For, in obedience to this eternal cause our lives have become incomparably rich… so much so, our cups overflow! 

Through our “marketplace” which includes a website and Facebook page, we’re also stoked to be sharing testimony upon testimony of what we’ve come to know of God’s ways as a result of responding to this commission: 

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:36